Objectified – A Documentary Film by Gary Hustwit from Selectism on Vimeo.
Official site: www.objectifiedfilm.com
“About the trailer: the voices belong to Jonathan Ive, Andrew Blauvelt, Marc Newson, and Karim Rashid. The song is ‘I Like Van Halen Because My Sister Says They Are Cool’ by our friends El Ten Eleven, from their new record These Promises Are Being Videotaped [get it on iTunes]. And the font used in the trailer is… Akzidenz Grotesk! [Shout out to Paula Scher!]”
We recently had the opportunity to view Objectified at the Plaza Theatre in Atlanta with introductions and afterward by director Gary Hustwit. Yes, the same Gary who brought us Helvetica. Objectified, covers the human side of objects; the people, the processes and the aftermath. A must see for designers of all fields, but also a must see for anyone who appreciates design.
If you want some spoilers and a great write-up, read Core77’s review here.
If you haven’t seen it yet and you want to, view their schedule of upcoming screenings here.
If you’ve missed out on the chance to see it in a theatre, the DVD is set to be released sometime this summer.