We love our Mimobots. I find it difficult on a daily basis to justify not buying 10 more of these. I have to admit I have an unhealthy obsession with urban vinyl toys. So, when they actually have a real world function as a usb flash drive- I WANT! I WANT!
The plus for me, is that I actually need and use my Mimobot on a daily basis. Â I didn’t think it would be that way at first. I mean I knew I would use it here or there for file sharing. But, I always just either emailed small files or FTPd big ones. A flash drive gives you instant file sharing; instant being the key word.
A short example:
I was running late for a meeting with a big pitch (for real). I had no time for posting a 2 GB file to FTP, emailing the FTP info to the end user, and sitting there waiting for that to upload and download. I just popped it on my mimobot in 15 seconds- done. This kind of speed adds valuable time to my work flow.
Anyway, this isn’t a write-up about usb flash drives, it’s about Mimoco and their Mimobots. I have been watching Mimoco grow since their first designer series a few years ago. They had various featured illustratrators design graphics over the basic mimobot shape.
I would describe the initial Mimobot shape as bear-ish. When I decided to take the plunge and purchase one, uh-oh; it was sold out. These little guys have been selling like crazy ever since.
Heidi and I ended up with 2 of the Friends With You series bots. These came packed with little extras like: sound files, videos, sound effects for when you plug it in, and icons. Plus the protoHoodies are super useful for transport.
Mimoco does a great job of viral advertising. They are on all the standard social network sites; but their contests and e-newsletters are what catch me. When I see a new mimobot design appear in my inbox, I start reaching for my credit card. Which leads me to today’s email from Mimoco, regarding the Treeson MIMOBOT by Bubi AuYeung- I WANT! I WANT!
The graphics are sweet, and fit the form factor nicely. As I was forwarding the email to Heidi (she is my yay or nay factor), I noticed more info about a program called GURP seen here:
The Greenbot USB Recycling Program (GURP) does what is says in the name- nice. Mimoco then gives you a discount towards a new Mimobot. I have over a dozen useless usb jump drives that I got as shwag at various events. I know where those are going now :-).
Mimoco, you had me at Bobafett Mimobot.
Tags: flash drive, friends with you, mimobot, star wars, treeson